Sunday, August 25, 2019


cholera vaccine,cholera outbreak,rice water stools

 According to modern medical science, cholera is caused by infection of bacteria called kalravibrio. Vomiting and diarrhea begin by poisoning these bacteria as soon as they reach the stomach of the patient. Vomiting and diarrhea are the biggest hallmarks of cholera, accompanied by stomach cramps and unrest.
Cholera is considered a serious disease. In this disease, vomiting and diarrhea occur frequently, but the urine stops. When the patient's vomit and diarrhea remain in the open, this disease spreads soon by flies and makes other people also prey.

Symptoms: The patient feels nauseous before vomiting and diarrhea. There is discomfort in the body. Spasms in the intestines, tremors in hands and legs, loss of appetite and headache occur. Water deficiency also occurs due to lack of water in the body due to excessive vomiting and diarrhea. The heart becomes very weak. Vibration and nervousness start in the body. Urine also comes less.

Treatment: In cholera, there is an excessive lack of salts in the body. Therefore, cold Shinji of lemon and salt should be given for the treatment of the patient. This removes the lack of water in the body. Most people have an outbreak of cholera at night, but when they are sunken in the afternoon or in the summer heat, people often fall prey to poison.

The poisonous patient feels thirsty. Throat and lips become dry. It happens immediately after drinking water. In this case, ask the patient to suck on the lips after a while. Boil water and put a little salt in it and drink it. This reduces the lack of salts in the body.
 To stop vomiting, first of all, feed the patient by mixing amritadhara in water and placing it in a tank. If there is a cramp in the hands, massage camphor mixed with turpentine oil. When the urine stops, dissolving the food soda in water and applying it on the stomach, the urine starts coming out.

To reduce thirst, a boil of fennel can also be boiled and mixed with cold water. The mint extract destroys the poisonous tip quickly. With vomiting, abdominal cramps and saline deficiency are complete. Grinding nutmeg and applying it on the body reduces spasms and discomfort.

Final Word we hope this article helpful to you know about cholera.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ascites is the abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

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Accumulation of abdominal cavity is called ascites disease. In general, it is also called filling water in the body.
The most common form of ascites occurs in the art of ventilation through research with some trauma. In the diet, too much cold food or excessive increase in acid juice against nature can also cause ascites in the abdominal condition Mahakla, edema, duodenum, excessive anemia, female uterine deformity, and heart disease.

Symptoms: At the beginning of the ascites, the stomach starts to grow. The heart beats rapidly and begins to suffer in taking a breath. In women, ovarian cancer occurs. Inflammation in the patient's feet is the most prominent symptom of ascites. Along with it comes less urine and constipation also occurs. Kamala disease can also occur in ascites. There is also an enlargement of the liver and spleen. Some patients also have hemorrhoids due to ascites.

Medicine: Before giving any medicine, the patient should cleanse the stomach by giving purgation. Pippali powder is very beneficial in ascites. Make 5-6 pieces of Pippali powder daily and drink it with milk. The spleen and liver also reach the normal position with the increase in the size of the abdomen.
Taking Punarnava mandoor with two rattis and varishosana juice two rattis mixed with Honey twice a day is very beneficial. Along with this, giving the rehabilitated after mixing 20 ml liters of water after the meal every day is very beneficial.

If there is a burning sensation in the kidneys, mixing with 125 ml of honey and eating it is very beneficial. Ascites are said to be very beneficial. They are used when the urine is acidic. Massaging Mahanarayan oil on the abdomen is also very beneficial.

 Drinking onion juice to the patient every day is also very beneficial. Drinking the juice of bitter gourd leaves also has special benefit in ascites.

Put parsley in cow's urine. After one week, dry out and make the powder. By using this parsley daily, ascites begins to disappear within a few weeks. Consuming ginger juice and juice of the bark of drumstick root is also beneficial.

Final Word We hope today's blog is interesting to you...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

constipation means

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chronic constipation, constipation treatments, constipation diagnosis, constipation means, diseases that cause constipation,


Irregular, unbalanced and anti-nature diet does not help in digestion of digestive organs like stomach, large intestine, larynx, etc. and also does not produce a sufficient amount of digestive food. In such a situation, when the body is unable to get enough fat, the stool becomes dry and stays in the stomach causing rot.
constipation means is the disease that stops dry stool. Constipation can arise due to many reasons. Some people have a habit of eating something - all the time, so some people consume more senior and spicy things. Due to their use, there is a lack of balsamic and fat and the stool becomes dry.
Eating inhabited food also causes many disorders in the stomach. Those who eat dry or dry food often suffer from constipation. Some men and women are very lazy. Do not go to the toilet on time every morning. By doing this for a few days, the function of defecation changes and constipation starts in the stomach.
Consumption of intoxicants causes dryness in the abdomen, the stool becomes dry and becomes constipated. Constipation is not an independent disease, but due to constipation due to any reason, many other disease disorders start to arise.

Symptoms: Difficulty comes when constipation occurs. There is a lot of pain due to dry stool. The dry stool can cause soot at the anus by applying too much pressure. Arms can also occur. Due to constipation in the stomach, it hurts and the stomach becomes hard. Constipation persists due to prolonged constipation. There is no mind in any work and there is no desire to eat anything. Sleep is also greatly reduced. diseases that cause constipation, After constipation for a long time, gas starts to form in the stomach. There is a lot of pain in the head due to the formation of gas. When gas affects the heart, the patient experiences a lot of discomforts. There is a lot of irritation in the chest and throat when there is an acid pit due to constipation. The patient repeatedly feels sour. Bitterness dissolves in the mouth, it keeps on nausea. Due to which, vomiting also occurs...

Constipation Treatment: Due to constipation, other diseases also arise quickly and the patient feels very restless and nervous, so constipation should be treated quickly. The patient should drink one or two glasses of freshwater as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Drinking water soon causes catarrh. Constipation is also destroyed by taking Triphala powder with milk at night. Constipation is also destroyed by taking the salt powder with buttermilk or curd. In the case of excessive constipation, take a tablet of Ichabedhi juice with water, fruit, ghee, butter, milk. Regular intake of paneer is strong in the stomach. Along with the use of medicines, the patient should also pay special attention to his food. Constipation is not caused by consuming liquid and balanced food. Digestion is balanced and adequate blood is produced.

Final Word I hope this article helped you know about constipation. - .

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Acid bile

Acid bile

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Acid bileDisturbance of digestion causes the production of acid pitta. In this disease, there is an intense burning sensation in the chest and throat of the patient, and bitterness in the mouth. In the rainy season, acid bile becomes prey to people at a more rapid pace. Because of high humidity in the environment and contaminating water, the digestion process becomes unbalanced and excessive production of bile occurs.
Contaminated stale diet is the biggest cause of acid bile formation. In the diet, natural guns are destroyed and due to being kept for a long time, other defects and defects are filled in them. In such a situation, when one is inhabited food, the digestive system is disturbed and acid bile is produced, drinking tea immediately after eating soft drinks or ice cream also causes more bile in the stomach. Most people use acidic food in food and drink it immediately. Due to this, the digestive system is distorted very quickly and acid bile is produced.
Acid bile is also produced after sleeping soon after meals, coping, sleeping more in cold night. Apart from this, drinking kulfi, mustard, curd, meat, fish, and alcohol, etc. also generates more bile in the body.

There is great discomfort in the throat and thorax with acid bile. Feels more thirsty. There is some peace on drinking cold water, but after a while, then it starts burning again. In addition, heaviness, bulkiness and mild pain are also experienced in the abdomen. Due to frequent belching, there is a lot of irritation in the throat due to bile and there are many complaints of vomiting and nausea in the patient.

bile reflux treatment: Acid bile, fire, and indigestion are diseases related to each other, so the medicines should be selected properly in their treatment. There is a loss in the use of hot semen drugs in acid bile. At the beginning of acid bile therapy, it is necessary to balance the bile. Therefore, the bile produced in excess by the purification of the vomit is cured by mixing salt in water and vomiting can occur. For purgation, Triphala powder can be consumed with water before bedtime. Drinking cumin and sandal salt mixed with orange juice destroys acid bile, and by grinding the equal quantity of coriander with white cumin, eating it is cold.

Saturday, August 10, 2019



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The grain is known as flatulence in the masses. According to Ayurveda, when defecation gets collected in the stomach and does not come out due to obstruction due to air disorders, the grain is produced. In such a situation, there is no defecation and air starts filling in the stomach. According to the doctors, if the digestive system in the body is not balanced due to the burning of fire due to contaminated diet, then in the stomach, a lot of air is collected and produces flatulence.

Due to the consumption of fatty substances, excessive copulation and stopping vegas, the air is often distorted and produces stomach ulcers. According to medics, weakening of the digestive system and deformity of the intestines also comes.

flatulence remedies
Symptoms: The patient feels more emulsion. Symptoms of vomiting, pain in the breath, swelling of the face and frequent belching.
In the Anah, the accumulated air in the abdomen affects the gall bladder, resulting in acute irritation of the chest and throat due to bile malformations, say belching and anorexia. The patient feels down to the liver. The obstruction of the breath results in nervousness, sweating, and weakness.

Medical: 1. The most common form of flatulence is from constipation. Therefore, to eliminate constipation, take Triphala powder with lukewarm water at night. After eliminating constipation, after taking two grams of Hingvastak powder with normal water, the flatulence becomes calm soon.

2. Mixing the same amount of water in 20 ml of Kumaryasava after meals and drinking it is also beneficial. Sucking chitrakadi vati two or three times a day is also very beneficial.
3. Four - five rattis left in the powder mixed with the same amount of black salt, this disease is destroyed.
4. Taking 150 milliliters of Agnikumar juice with ginger juice regularly for a few days is useful to cure flatulence. Eating 125 ml gram Sutshekhar Ras with Gulkand is very beneficial.

Final Word We hope this article helped you know about Flatulence. You may also want to see-.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Excessive food can result in indigestion

 Eating out of food before digestion before eating food at all times, eating something before and after eating it again produces indigestion. The simple meaning of indigestion is only indigestion, but there is no diarrhea in it. The meaning of azire is not only in simple words, but it does not have diarrhea. There is also a lot of support for mental disorders in the production of indigestion, because the digestive system is distorted because of anger and anxiety. Digestion is distorted by stopping urination of urine for longer periods. Even after constipation in the stomach, there is a condition of indigestion. The patient does not feel hungry and the sour dread comes. The absence of vomiting remains. There is no pain in the stomach. Feeling nervous and uneasy Symptoms of syndrome, stiffness, anxiety, anxiety and disdain in the waist are clear.

Due to the existence of indigestion for longer periods of time, it can also be accumulation, acid bile, nutritious bowl, bowel disease diarrhea and other diseases.

Medicine:  To give the patient of indigestion the first night to feed the triphala powdered cucumber water so that the constipation is destroyed and the stomach becomes clean.
   By taking 10 grams of Basil leaves of Basil and mixing Pipal with powder, lick is destroyed by lick.
Mixing cumin and asafoetida with water and mixing it with water, indigestion is destroyed.
Consumption of ginger juice with five gram, five grams of lemon juice and rock salt is very quick.

Three grams of dry ginger and coriander powder are consumed by three grams of cucumber water, indigestion is quickly destroyed. Mixing sandal powder and salt in the juice of orange juice increases the interest in food and also destroys the indigestion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



In Ayurvedic, the origins and the healing of Agnimangh are described in particular. There are many types of firefighters in the body. Gastronomy is the most important of these. It has special cooperation indigestion.
After chewing with food, the soft ego reaches the stomach. Where there is a gastrointestinal tract. Vast, pitta and phlegm have a complete effect on the gastrointestinal tracts. When there is a fire burning in the diet due to excessive pit dosage and fire accumulates due to the effect of VAT defects. And by the influence of Vata defect the fire is less and the fire decreases more with the effect of Vata defect. Getharogi remains in the natural form when the flavor is balanced. Agamimangha also prevents the flames from being kept balanced due to periods of time, due to some time after eating some food, it is possible to keep the fire burning from time to time.

Symptoms: Gastric diarrhea diminishes in Agnimangh, due to which digestion is not done smoothly. In this case, whatever the patient eats. He gets out in the form of a non-digestible or unstable form. Due to constipation, ventilation of the stomach, gas, etc. arises. There is a complaint of vomiting and jumping. The body experiences idleness, heaviness, sour dread, destruction of appetite, anxiety, and anxiety.

Treatment: ⏩ Gastragini is stirred by eating powders of the throat and the herb with jaggery.
                   ⏩ If you do not feel hungry in the fire, you can make a powder of the root of Chitrak and take three to four grams of honey with chewing gum.
               ⏩ Kalimichi and Tulsi almanac of powder with buttermilk, the fire burning is destroyed.
               ⏩ Make a powder by grinding cinnamon, straw, and cardamom in quantity and make                           ⏩powder. Fire meat is destroyed after eating a gram of water before meals.
                Three grams of lemon and ginger juice, rock salt and roasted cumin seeds, eight grams of                    small cardamom five Munnak ka as and Pomegranate Grains All of them together eating is                  useful in making chutney.
             ⏩ Mixing Agni juice with 250 grams of honey, lick is also very beneficial in Agnimangh.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019



On the strength of its nickel surface, the influenza bacteria settle down on the walls of the Breathing space and make anonymity.

Influenza is an infectious disease. Other members also have the possibility of getting the disease when one member of the house has this disease. This disease is caused by bacteria called Bacillus influenza. The bacterial nose of the patient, the swiss system, remains firmly in the lungs. The result of this is the formation of severe fever.

Symptoms: At the beginning of the fever, it seems very cold. Cough and body have unbearable pain. In addition to the above symptoms, symptoms of a severe cold are obvious and throat and vomiting also occur in the throat. Pneumonia or bronchitis is also caused by diarrhea in the respiratory system of bacterial bacteria. Disease in this disease, or affecting the brain, the condition of the patient with the patient becomes extremely worrisome and in such cases, the patient may die.

Medicine: In this fever, the temperature of the patient increases to 104-105 degrees. As a result, in a day or two, the patient becomes very weak, so the patient should give more powerful drugs. Laxmilis juice is very beneficial to the patient, besides additionally boiling the root of the Konkol, peepal, and bahde in boiling water, it is very beneficial by mixing the decoction with the sugar candy.

Mixing ginger juice in equal quantity daily - consuming three times a day, there is a tremendous advantage in Vata mucus. Similarly, juice of Tulsi leaves and Mulhathi powder in ginger juice is also benefited by consuming it. Vast mucous fever is destroyed by mixing one roti Mahalakshmi Vilas juice, a rattan paraval pishti, a Masha sesopladi powder and two roti whistles, mixed with well Kharar honey.
Mixing asbestos, coral pits, shingles, and consuming rhythms, mixing an equal quantity of honey gives a lot of benefits. In the eruption of the disease, it is also beneficial for lactation, mixed with big calves, Chintamani juice and rock called Krishna chitamurukh juice, and decreases the heartbeat and nervousness of the heart.

If there is acute fever, it is less fever than lactation with coral pistachios and mica consumption of one quantity of honey. If there is more adhesion in the head then the tattoo should be done with two rates, Mahalaxmi Vilas juice, one rattle coral, and Kharkal should be given with milk.

Occasionally, the scars of cough increase greatly in this fever, and due to the absence of mucus, the patient has many problems. To get rid of sputum, Sepopladisadi powders, and coral pits, both give an equal quantity of honey or sherbet with feathers. Mucus will come out and the outbreak of cough will also be reduced.
If diarrhea is given to the patient, giving two pillows of camphor juice with water is of immediate benefit. Mix more salty water in the throat and mix it with water. If there is a complaint of vomiting, there is a quick benefit in blossoming by putting two-three sticks in Amritdhara.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Fever is the state of the normal temperature of the body. A normal body temperature of a healthy person
 36.9 degrees Celsius to 37 4 is degrees Celsius (9 8.4 degrees F - 99.4 degrees F). Fever over temperature
Has been given the noun. But there is no disease in the fever, and it is a symbol of other infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, etc.
  According to Acharya Charak, the deformity of tridos, vat, Pacha, and cough, is also the cause of fever. Firstly, you will discuss the treatment of fever caused by urinary bleeding, as a result of other infectious diseases. Will discuss the medical method of fever

Treatment of fever caused by pit patch: Chandrkla juice in the fever generated from pit bladder in the mouth of 125 ml leaf letter or honey Giving with it gives quick gains. In the day by mixing one gram of honeyLicking twice is also very beneficial. Coral painting is also very useful in fever.    Mixing 250 ml of coral pistachio syrup in the morning and evening lasts only after shaking.

Treatment of fever caused by flat-pit defects: Vaidhnath vati tablets are given three times a day in the fever generated by air pits, giving a lot of benefit to Golliya. Consuming the amount of blood mixed with the blood, and the consumption of the sweet potato and the juice of honey or basil leaves will have a very beneficial effect. Poor fever with gulkand is also beneficial in eating fever.

Cough medicines caused by coughing impaired treatment: There is a lot of pain in the fever due to repeated cough due to frequent cough. Laxmi Vilas juice mixed with 250 grams of syrup or ginger juice is quick to gain. With musk juice of musk 125 kilograms of pistachios and giving the juice of the feverish juice or Tribhuvan Kirti juice or 125 ml juice of basil juice twice a day is beneficial. Mixing kfketu juice with 250 grams of ginger juice or honey also gives lots of benefits.
 If younger people have more problems due to phlegm, then mixing honey in the juice of the bell leaves gives the phlegm, and soon there is profit.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Diseases of the digestive system

Before starting a discussion about the disease of the digestive system, it is necessary to understand the digestive tract and its functioning system.
It is known to all that food is essential to keep the body moving. But nutrients contained in food
Before joining the blood, it is necessary to break the food piece. Nutrients contained in the digestion of food
The important functions of reaching different parts of the body and emitting the salts in the form of the stool are edited by the digestive system is done.

 The long and complex work of digestion of food begins with the chewing process. When we chew food in the mouth then red
Salivary glands change the carbohydrate to glucose. The food from here goes to the stomach by the esophagus.
Here it lasts for about three hours. In this period, various digestive juices come and come in and edit the digestive tract.
The food of this action changes into liquid form and goes into the small intestine. The first part of the small intestine here is the duodenum.
The pancreatic juice comes from the pancreatic and gall bladder and comes in the food and again stimulates the digestive system. Food from here
The last part of the intestine goes into balance. By reaching the balance, essential elements of food get absorbed in the blood and
The relic of food goes into the large intestine. From where it emitted by the emission system as out of the body in the form of the stool
 are given

Diseases of the digestive system cause various abdominal diseases. Here we will discuss the causes, symptoms and medical of various abdominal diseases.

Thank you for the time being .........

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Heterozygous ( MALARIA )

According to modern medical science, the origins of heterozygous fever result in the fertility of female fisheries called Anopheles (Anopheles).
By the transition of Plasmodium bacterium (PLASMODIUM PARASITES). The origins of heterogeneous fever in the aurveda Nature - Against,
Due to contaminated and unhealthy food, it has been manipulated. According to aurvedacharyo, due to the accumulation of the toxic portion of food in the stomach due to the deformation of digestion
The fire increases in the body or the odd amount is generated.

Symptoms: Acute headaches at the beginning of the heterogeneous fever, acute fever after pain and acidity in the muscles and after headache.
             Due to acute fever, the patient also has sputum. After this, the patient suffers from sweating and answers to the fever.
             In this case, the patient begins to feel sick, but after one day, the patient gets a strong fever again with the above symptoms.
             Stomach pain, jaundice, and bleeding are other symptoms of heterogeneous fever.

Medicines: 50 grams of Vermicompost and Rhinestone consumed 250 ml of honey mixed with honey, it is very often lost. Feeding of basil leaves or basil leaves and black tea made by making Tea tea reduces the fever.

                Boil the water in the oats and basil leaves and add black pepper and art salt in it and dissolve the heterogeneous fever.
               bitter drugs are more useful for nostalgic fever. Neem's soft red - pink leaves
                Due to regular chewing, a febrile fever is eliminated.

Special Caution: At the beginning of the fever, the patient feels very cold, but when the fever comes more when sweating
                          The patient gets restless from heat and comes out in the open air. This increases the intensity of the disease. When sweating, take a towel from the inside of a towel.
                          Change sweaty clothes only in a closed room. The patient should take creak, apple, fig, other fruits and tea, milk and other essential food.
                          On a fever, the patient can give a light meal like khichdi, Oatmeal, green vegetables, etc..

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Artificial fever (Filariasis)

Artificial fever is a disease that is full of mosquitos in a place where there is no clearance of water.
 According to modern medical science, its origin was ( Wunchereria bancrofti )
        The salt is caused by the ascites of the stratum vertebrae.
 If there is an attack on the disease almost every year, even when there are no symptoms.
  After this, the symptoms of research in the para are produced with a spleen. The skin of the affected area is similar to the skin of the elephant - it is also known as cremation.
    Pero's muscles also become weak Some testosterone also increases the testicles and the legs also spread and clot.
The period of this fever is short-lived, but the intensity of the fever is high.
 It normally lasts for four days but its invasion can occur repeatedly. With every attack, research increases. The testicles become so large that it also experiences difficulty in walking.
Treatment: Sanjivani, Beetle and Hinguleeshwar each 120 mg of three times a day Taking advantage                   of the hot water brings cheer gains.
              When some of the fever decreases, Nityanand juice gets 250 mg
             And drink 500 grams of Pippali powders twice a day with the bark of the tree.
             Eating a day at 120 mg of Shreepad Gajkeshari also benefits.

Friday, June 28, 2019



Cervical fever develops due to inflammation and inflammation in the lungs. In this disease, the air pneumatic of the lung closes due to mucus.
The fever begins with very severe chills. Body temperature increases and cough with cough and sometimes bleeding
The body temperature is around 40 degrees Celsius for approximately one week. The patient of respiratory fever has the possibility of complaining of insomnia.
While carrying a mother-in-law, there is no movement in the infinite lung. Fluorosis can also occur in the acute condition of this disease.

Treatment: For the treatment of healthy fever in Ayurveda, it is very beneficial to take 120 ml of quantity and 240 ml of a gram of ghee, three times a day, with ginger juice for three days.

If the patient's breathing is running very fast then he can breathe the carrot, chili, peanut powder, mineral salt, and pinch powder, each 120 mg of quantity and apart Shar 360 ml and 5 grams of kakariki powder four times in the day lick with Honey. The patient has a tremendous advantage.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Danger fever (dengue)
Dengue is caused by a bite of mosquito called EdisEgypti. Infectious bacteria in the body by cutting these mosquito bites
It has a severe fever.

Symptoms: The patient is very severe in the severe cold due to cold. There are acute pain in the whole body, diastolic wounds, and eyes.
 And the eyesight decreases, the body temperature becomes 102 degrees. In the state of fever, the patient does not feel hungry and can also be vomiting
Red-rash grains come out on the patients face and the thorax. With two-thirds, day sweat becomes reduced.
 When landing a fever, nasal bleeding or diarrhea often results in pain and there is a lot of pain in the patient's body.

Medicines: For the first time to destroy constipation, the patient should be given powdered with water. After this, pancreatic medicine should be given.
One of the Krishna Chaturroch Ras or Mantunjya juice is cheated fast with laughter in three times a day.
 In addition, Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras, Tribhuvan Kirti Ras can also be used.
 Makar flavors, golden spring malt juice half-half-rattis, coral papti ratti, nayewas moha two ratti and esophagi powders, one Masha all Along with honey, licking in the morning in the evening brings a lot of benefits.
  After the meal, give the patient an Ashwagandha or vinegar, mix equal quantity of water in weavers.
The patient should not give any soft food or drink for one to two weeks after the disease is destroyed.
 To protect the AIDS Egyptian mosquito from mosquito nets around the house, do not let the mosquito killers disperse, and prevent the water around them will not be collected.

Till then thank you for that.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Apoplexy  (sandfly fever)

 Seismic fever is also called a three-day fever. Its period is usually three days.
 This fever is more in the transition period of the season and its effect has been seen more in North Indian areas.

Symptoms: Experiencing headache, lethargy, red eyes and tingling in the body is a major symptom of this fever.
 The body temperature of the patient increases to 40-degree C. And after three days the patient comes in the normal stage.

Treatment: 120 ml of Hinguleshwar, 180 mg of Goddti Bhasma and 240 ml Amritastav with honey -               four times a day  Eating benefits is beneficial. The patient should be well-rested and easy-to-eat food.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Explosive fever

In the explosive fever, the rash emerges on the body.
Some people also understand it as smallpox as it is a very common disease.
According to Ayurveda, any one of the three types of defects can be cured if it is defective.
Treatment: Consumption of 120 ml of sweet sulfur and 120 ml of coral pistachios, and 240 ml of Chandnadi iron mithri, is consumed three times a day.

Hectic fever

There is a fever in the state of an acute state of the state.
The intensity of the fever is low and it attacks the patient on the evening itself. Sweating with excessive body fatigue is a major symptom of this disease.  If the fever is due to Rajayakshma, then the patient gets benefitted with the golden vasantimality 120 ml, coral Bhasm 120 ml, Yakshmana iron 240 ml, and one gram sapopladi powder, licking three times a day with honey.

So how do you feel about in today's blog friends? This blog has told about two types of fever.  If you call an article on some other topic then you can ask me by comment.In the meantime, I will tell the solution  on another blog. .........

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sick  food

Ayurveda has given special attention to the patient's diet. Due to the depletion of physical strength, the patient does not digest every food item easily.
In view of this, there should be a change in the patient's diet, given the lack of digestive function. The patient should be given liquid, supple food at certain times
So that the digestive tract does not have half-pressure on the digestion and digested food easily. The patient may be given Arorot, Sabudana, Dal-rice, well cooked khichadi, mung dal, potato, ghee, spinach, and vegetables of tomai.
 Grain food in the patient's food should be minimized. Urad, lobiya, arki, crust, cabbage, jackfruit etc, the vegetables increase the patient by causing air disorders in the patient's body. Similarly, there is a loss due to giving soft-quality fruits and vegetables. So banned them.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Importance of food for health

The most impact on health is food. Ayurvedic medicine: The cause of the development of most diseases is the deformation of digestive function. In the absence of a balanced and nutritious diet, the digestive tract of the body is distorted and different types of abdominal diseases are produced. If there is no longer the treatment of abdominal diseases, then there are other serious diseases.

Along with abdominal diseases, blood and pubescence are produced when there is anemia. According to experts, if we are healthy and powerful then infectious diseases are also not affected. This is the reason that the poorer sections of infectious diseases are relatively high because their health is already weakened by malnutrition.

Therefore, it is beneficial for health to have fresh and fresh food in a reasonable amount of time at a fixed time each day. Chew the food well-chewed, sit in a solitary place, feel free to worry and do peacefully. Fast-quick food does not have proper digestion.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


In each of the Ayurveda, different techniques have been described in view of each of the drugs and properties. These recipes have special significance with medicines for the prevention of disease. Consumption of any drug from an inappropriate ratio increases the likelihood of loss rather than profit.
For example, certain medicines of fever and cough are consumed only with the support of Sahad. Consumption with water will not be of any benefit.

In such a few diseases, the consumption of ghee or any other snuff has been described as drug intake. Therefore, with the proper treatment, take medicine.

Importance of time in drug intake '

 Time should be taken specially to give medicines to any disease. Once the medicines are consumed, it takes time to complete their work.
In such a situation, the second volume is needed only at a fixed time to stop the deformation of the disease. If the patient is not scratched on the second volume, then the properties of the first volume are also destroyed. Therefore, follow the quantity of medicine and its consumption on time.

Special precautions for the patient

Regarding living, eating habits and other activities with the use of drugs in any 'disease, the patient needs to be especially careful.
Medical experts in Ayurveda have given importance to the excessive use of medicines. There is no harm to the patient once the medicine is not given. But if someone gets hurt due to any disease, then there can be much harm. Dyspnea is not only raging but also sometimes out of control
It becomes irresponsible too. Therefore, according to the doctor's advice, the patient should be avoided.

 In the forthcoming chapters, I will discuss various Ayurvedic medicines.

Friday, June 14, 2019

How to choose medicines

In Ayurveda, medicines for the treatment of any disease have special significance. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, the initial selection of the disease is obtained by acquiring knowledge of the disease and determining the number of drugs. Ayurveda provides a description of many medicines for the same disease, but on the basis of the symptoms, the properties of each drug are different from the beneficial power of the disease, and in the properties of the drug, the treatment of the symptoms of the above-mentioned disease was further described. Yes, the recreational drug should be used by selecting it. The patient's age should be kept in mind while giving medicines.

Some flavors, transmitters may be harmed by giving excess quantities of medicines made from metals, so before using such medicine, consult a qualified physician.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Cold and cold treatment

The thing who sent the scalp to the nose, speaks coldly and the name of the thing who fell to the threshold is known.
It is hot, which is known to roast and pour in these tereo and jealousy in the eye, which is not like this, it is from the cold. In this disease, the stroke should be used for sleeping and gold and sour and milk curd and do not eat the upper cushion pillow and do not eat food for two days or drink water. Whether cold or cold should not open the head from the bile.

Now I am writing a few Tips,& Medicines which are beneficial
The other - take a scrap buffer and thus the smoke of the blank paper is reaching the nose.
    Others - The smoke of Shakka and Chandraas have the properties of hot water.
     Tablet - which attracts the attraction of the nose and the junk, and increase the appetite - Jadabbar - Khatai four Miskal, Celery five Mischel, Opium five miscall, Katira, Babul gum, Kalimirach, cardamom seeds, two two Mischel, celery, ginger, apricot half a half Filter the grams and make equal pills of gram and eat a pill daily.

So friends if you like it, today's article. So definitely need to share it.
 And get advice from a Doctor which is close to you...........

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Pathogenesis and disease diagnosis

Pathogenesis and disease diagnosis

In Ayurveda, tridosh has been described as the greatest cause of disease. The disease causes different diseases in the body.
It is clear from the word tridosh that it is contaminating and harming the body, but according to Ayurveda doctors,
Do not harm.
When there is a ruptured dysfunction for any reason, then there are various diseases in the body. Tridosh holds the body in the state of Prakrit and the creation of the body provides support to give it power.

Air deformity and therapy

Air operates in life in the body itself. In the state of the state, the air participates in different parts of the body and action of the heart. Air helps in the delivery of birth from birth to childbirth. The baby's first voice is heard when the air is transmitted in the body.

There are five different types of air in Ayurveda which give special help in keeping the body balanced, but more labor, excessive sexual intercourse, accidental trauma, night awakening,
Nature - Contrary to the anxiety of things, there is air deformity in the body, due to this, we have a fever, physical weakness.

We should start any treatment by keeping the air distortion in mind.

Air deformity medicine E.g. It is beneficial to use cedar, conch, symbiosis, guilloche, reinvay, Bhrigraj, turmeric, etc.

I hope you guys like my today's article if you want to know about something else, tell me in the comment below and I will tell you by replying. Thanks to till then

Monday, June 10, 2019

Ayurvedic treatment and then start the moves.

Hello friends, Today I will tell you about Ayurvedic treatment and then start the moves.

The historically ancient texts of Unani have been written that Tibetans were mainly from Aflani, that is, these teachings were promoted by them, after which many wise rulers were still going on.

It is well known by seeing these two schools that one such type is the same diagnosis, there is some difference in the same medicine, it is the cause of longitude and the life of the two students, who write on the proof of writing, is the root of life.
 One such treatment which happens by spending hundreds of rupees is done by a small ayurvedic treatment at a little less cost, so this for both  Poor and Rich is beneficial to all and the diagnosis and diagnosis of diseases are written in such a way that it has less - Written, he can understand that a man falling on this blog can also treat others

I would like to write all these treatments this blog and reach you.

( But before starting you must take advice from your doctor. )