Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Acid bile

Acid bile

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Acid bileDisturbance of digestion causes the production of acid pitta. In this disease, there is an intense burning sensation in the chest and throat of the patient, and bitterness in the mouth. In the rainy season, acid bile becomes prey to people at a more rapid pace. Because of high humidity in the environment and contaminating water, the digestion process becomes unbalanced and excessive production of bile occurs.
Contaminated stale diet is the biggest cause of acid bile formation. In the diet, natural guns are destroyed and due to being kept for a long time, other defects and defects are filled in them. In such a situation, when one is inhabited food, the digestive system is disturbed and acid bile is produced, drinking tea immediately after eating soft drinks or ice cream also causes more bile in the stomach. Most people use acidic food in food and drink it immediately. Due to this, the digestive system is distorted very quickly and acid bile is produced.
Acid bile is also produced after sleeping soon after meals, coping, sleeping more in cold night. Apart from this, drinking kulfi, mustard, curd, meat, fish, and alcohol, etc. also generates more bile in the body.

There is great discomfort in the throat and thorax with acid bile. Feels more thirsty. There is some peace on drinking cold water, but after a while, then it starts burning again. In addition, heaviness, bulkiness and mild pain are also experienced in the abdomen. Due to frequent belching, there is a lot of irritation in the throat due to bile and there are many complaints of vomiting and nausea in the patient.

bile reflux treatment: Acid bile, fire, and indigestion are diseases related to each other, so the medicines should be selected properly in their treatment. There is a loss in the use of hot semen drugs in acid bile. At the beginning of acid bile therapy, it is necessary to balance the bile. Therefore, the bile produced in excess by the purification of the vomit is cured by mixing salt in water and vomiting can occur. For purgation, Triphala powder can be consumed with water before bedtime. Drinking cumin and sandal salt mixed with orange juice destroys acid bile, and by grinding the equal quantity of coriander with white cumin, eating it is cold.

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