Sunday, August 25, 2019


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 According to modern medical science, cholera is caused by infection of bacteria called kalravibrio. Vomiting and diarrhea begin by poisoning these bacteria as soon as they reach the stomach of the patient. Vomiting and diarrhea are the biggest hallmarks of cholera, accompanied by stomach cramps and unrest.
Cholera is considered a serious disease. In this disease, vomiting and diarrhea occur frequently, but the urine stops. When the patient's vomit and diarrhea remain in the open, this disease spreads soon by flies and makes other people also prey.

Symptoms: The patient feels nauseous before vomiting and diarrhea. There is discomfort in the body. Spasms in the intestines, tremors in hands and legs, loss of appetite and headache occur. Water deficiency also occurs due to lack of water in the body due to excessive vomiting and diarrhea. The heart becomes very weak. Vibration and nervousness start in the body. Urine also comes less.

Treatment: In cholera, there is an excessive lack of salts in the body. Therefore, cold Shinji of lemon and salt should be given for the treatment of the patient. This removes the lack of water in the body. Most people have an outbreak of cholera at night, but when they are sunken in the afternoon or in the summer heat, people often fall prey to poison.

The poisonous patient feels thirsty. Throat and lips become dry. It happens immediately after drinking water. In this case, ask the patient to suck on the lips after a while. Boil water and put a little salt in it and drink it. This reduces the lack of salts in the body.
 To stop vomiting, first of all, feed the patient by mixing amritadhara in water and placing it in a tank. If there is a cramp in the hands, massage camphor mixed with turpentine oil. When the urine stops, dissolving the food soda in water and applying it on the stomach, the urine starts coming out.

To reduce thirst, a boil of fennel can also be boiled and mixed with cold water. The mint extract destroys the poisonous tip quickly. With vomiting, abdominal cramps and saline deficiency are complete. Grinding nutmeg and applying it on the body reduces spasms and discomfort.

Final Word we hope this article helpful to you know about cholera.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ascites is the abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

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Accumulation of abdominal cavity is called ascites disease. In general, it is also called filling water in the body.
The most common form of ascites occurs in the art of ventilation through research with some trauma. In the diet, too much cold food or excessive increase in acid juice against nature can also cause ascites in the abdominal condition Mahakla, edema, duodenum, excessive anemia, female uterine deformity, and heart disease.

Symptoms: At the beginning of the ascites, the stomach starts to grow. The heart beats rapidly and begins to suffer in taking a breath. In women, ovarian cancer occurs. Inflammation in the patient's feet is the most prominent symptom of ascites. Along with it comes less urine and constipation also occurs. Kamala disease can also occur in ascites. There is also an enlargement of the liver and spleen. Some patients also have hemorrhoids due to ascites.

Medicine: Before giving any medicine, the patient should cleanse the stomach by giving purgation. Pippali powder is very beneficial in ascites. Make 5-6 pieces of Pippali powder daily and drink it with milk. The spleen and liver also reach the normal position with the increase in the size of the abdomen.
Taking Punarnava mandoor with two rattis and varishosana juice two rattis mixed with Honey twice a day is very beneficial. Along with this, giving the rehabilitated after mixing 20 ml liters of water after the meal every day is very beneficial.

If there is a burning sensation in the kidneys, mixing with 125 ml of honey and eating it is very beneficial. Ascites are said to be very beneficial. They are used when the urine is acidic. Massaging Mahanarayan oil on the abdomen is also very beneficial.

 Drinking onion juice to the patient every day is also very beneficial. Drinking the juice of bitter gourd leaves also has special benefit in ascites.

Put parsley in cow's urine. After one week, dry out and make the powder. By using this parsley daily, ascites begins to disappear within a few weeks. Consuming ginger juice and juice of the bark of drumstick root is also beneficial.

Final Word We hope today's blog is interesting to you...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

constipation means

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Irregular, unbalanced and anti-nature diet does not help in digestion of digestive organs like stomach, large intestine, larynx, etc. and also does not produce a sufficient amount of digestive food. In such a situation, when the body is unable to get enough fat, the stool becomes dry and stays in the stomach causing rot.
constipation means is the disease that stops dry stool. Constipation can arise due to many reasons. Some people have a habit of eating something - all the time, so some people consume more senior and spicy things. Due to their use, there is a lack of balsamic and fat and the stool becomes dry.
Eating inhabited food also causes many disorders in the stomach. Those who eat dry or dry food often suffer from constipation. Some men and women are very lazy. Do not go to the toilet on time every morning. By doing this for a few days, the function of defecation changes and constipation starts in the stomach.
Consumption of intoxicants causes dryness in the abdomen, the stool becomes dry and becomes constipated. Constipation is not an independent disease, but due to constipation due to any reason, many other disease disorders start to arise.

Symptoms: Difficulty comes when constipation occurs. There is a lot of pain due to dry stool. The dry stool can cause soot at the anus by applying too much pressure. Arms can also occur. Due to constipation in the stomach, it hurts and the stomach becomes hard. Constipation persists due to prolonged constipation. There is no mind in any work and there is no desire to eat anything. Sleep is also greatly reduced. diseases that cause constipation, After constipation for a long time, gas starts to form in the stomach. There is a lot of pain in the head due to the formation of gas. When gas affects the heart, the patient experiences a lot of discomforts. There is a lot of irritation in the chest and throat when there is an acid pit due to constipation. The patient repeatedly feels sour. Bitterness dissolves in the mouth, it keeps on nausea. Due to which, vomiting also occurs...

Constipation Treatment: Due to constipation, other diseases also arise quickly and the patient feels very restless and nervous, so constipation should be treated quickly. The patient should drink one or two glasses of freshwater as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Drinking water soon causes catarrh. Constipation is also destroyed by taking Triphala powder with milk at night. Constipation is also destroyed by taking the salt powder with buttermilk or curd. In the case of excessive constipation, take a tablet of Ichabedhi juice with water, fruit, ghee, butter, milk. Regular intake of paneer is strong in the stomach. Along with the use of medicines, the patient should also pay special attention to his food. Constipation is not caused by consuming liquid and balanced food. Digestion is balanced and adequate blood is produced.

Final Word I hope this article helped you know about constipation. - .

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Acid bile

Acid bile

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Acid bileDisturbance of digestion causes the production of acid pitta. In this disease, there is an intense burning sensation in the chest and throat of the patient, and bitterness in the mouth. In the rainy season, acid bile becomes prey to people at a more rapid pace. Because of high humidity in the environment and contaminating water, the digestion process becomes unbalanced and excessive production of bile occurs.
Contaminated stale diet is the biggest cause of acid bile formation. In the diet, natural guns are destroyed and due to being kept for a long time, other defects and defects are filled in them. In such a situation, when one is inhabited food, the digestive system is disturbed and acid bile is produced, drinking tea immediately after eating soft drinks or ice cream also causes more bile in the stomach. Most people use acidic food in food and drink it immediately. Due to this, the digestive system is distorted very quickly and acid bile is produced.
Acid bile is also produced after sleeping soon after meals, coping, sleeping more in cold night. Apart from this, drinking kulfi, mustard, curd, meat, fish, and alcohol, etc. also generates more bile in the body.

There is great discomfort in the throat and thorax with acid bile. Feels more thirsty. There is some peace on drinking cold water, but after a while, then it starts burning again. In addition, heaviness, bulkiness and mild pain are also experienced in the abdomen. Due to frequent belching, there is a lot of irritation in the throat due to bile and there are many complaints of vomiting and nausea in the patient.

bile reflux treatment: Acid bile, fire, and indigestion are diseases related to each other, so the medicines should be selected properly in their treatment. There is a loss in the use of hot semen drugs in acid bile. At the beginning of acid bile therapy, it is necessary to balance the bile. Therefore, the bile produced in excess by the purification of the vomit is cured by mixing salt in water and vomiting can occur. For purgation, Triphala powder can be consumed with water before bedtime. Drinking cumin and sandal salt mixed with orange juice destroys acid bile, and by grinding the equal quantity of coriander with white cumin, eating it is cold.

Saturday, August 10, 2019



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The grain is known as flatulence in the masses. According to Ayurveda, when defecation gets collected in the stomach and does not come out due to obstruction due to air disorders, the grain is produced. In such a situation, there is no defecation and air starts filling in the stomach. According to the doctors, if the digestive system in the body is not balanced due to the burning of fire due to contaminated diet, then in the stomach, a lot of air is collected and produces flatulence.

Due to the consumption of fatty substances, excessive copulation and stopping vegas, the air is often distorted and produces stomach ulcers. According to medics, weakening of the digestive system and deformity of the intestines also comes.

flatulence remedies
Symptoms: The patient feels more emulsion. Symptoms of vomiting, pain in the breath, swelling of the face and frequent belching.
In the Anah, the accumulated air in the abdomen affects the gall bladder, resulting in acute irritation of the chest and throat due to bile malformations, say belching and anorexia. The patient feels down to the liver. The obstruction of the breath results in nervousness, sweating, and weakness.

Medical: 1. The most common form of flatulence is from constipation. Therefore, to eliminate constipation, take Triphala powder with lukewarm water at night. After eliminating constipation, after taking two grams of Hingvastak powder with normal water, the flatulence becomes calm soon.

2. Mixing the same amount of water in 20 ml of Kumaryasava after meals and drinking it is also beneficial. Sucking chitrakadi vati two or three times a day is also very beneficial.
3. Four - five rattis left in the powder mixed with the same amount of black salt, this disease is destroyed.
4. Taking 150 milliliters of Agnikumar juice with ginger juice regularly for a few days is useful to cure flatulence. Eating 125 ml gram Sutshekhar Ras with Gulkand is very beneficial.

Final Word We hope this article helped you know about Flatulence. You may also want to see-.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Excessive food can result in indigestion

 Eating out of food before digestion before eating food at all times, eating something before and after eating it again produces indigestion. The simple meaning of indigestion is only indigestion, but there is no diarrhea in it. The meaning of azire is not only in simple words, but it does not have diarrhea. There is also a lot of support for mental disorders in the production of indigestion, because the digestive system is distorted because of anger and anxiety. Digestion is distorted by stopping urination of urine for longer periods. Even after constipation in the stomach, there is a condition of indigestion. The patient does not feel hungry and the sour dread comes. The absence of vomiting remains. There is no pain in the stomach. Feeling nervous and uneasy Symptoms of syndrome, stiffness, anxiety, anxiety and disdain in the waist are clear.

Due to the existence of indigestion for longer periods of time, it can also be accumulation, acid bile, nutritious bowl, bowel disease diarrhea and other diseases.

Medicine:  To give the patient of indigestion the first night to feed the triphala powdered cucumber water so that the constipation is destroyed and the stomach becomes clean.
   By taking 10 grams of Basil leaves of Basil and mixing Pipal with powder, lick is destroyed by lick.
Mixing cumin and asafoetida with water and mixing it with water, indigestion is destroyed.
Consumption of ginger juice with five gram, five grams of lemon juice and rock salt is very quick.

Three grams of dry ginger and coriander powder are consumed by three grams of cucumber water, indigestion is quickly destroyed. Mixing sandal powder and salt in the juice of orange juice increases the interest in food and also destroys the indigestion.