Saturday, June 22, 2019

Explosive fever

In the explosive fever, the rash emerges on the body.
Some people also understand it as smallpox as it is a very common disease.
According to Ayurveda, any one of the three types of defects can be cured if it is defective.
Treatment: Consumption of 120 ml of sweet sulfur and 120 ml of coral pistachios, and 240 ml of Chandnadi iron mithri, is consumed three times a day.

Hectic fever

There is a fever in the state of an acute state of the state.
The intensity of the fever is low and it attacks the patient on the evening itself. Sweating with excessive body fatigue is a major symptom of this disease.  If the fever is due to Rajayakshma, then the patient gets benefitted with the golden vasantimality 120 ml, coral Bhasm 120 ml, Yakshmana iron 240 ml, and one gram sapopladi powder, licking three times a day with honey.

So how do you feel about in today's blog friends? This blog has told about two types of fever.  If you call an article on some other topic then you can ask me by comment.In the meantime, I will tell the solution  on another blog. .........

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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